WDEK Ep. 4 - Kenny Lienhardt - August 25, 2012

Kenny Lienhardt is a one of a kind individual!  He's the legendary soundman of the Bowery Ballroom for 14 years.  He is the host of the Urban Angler public access fishing show for 10 years.

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Kenny Lienhardt is a one of a kind individual!  He's the legendary soundman of the Bowery Ballroom for 14 years.  He is the host of the Urban Angler public access fishing show for 10 years.  He was the front man of the death metal band Black Virgin in the mid 80's and he was the producer of Tigers & Monkeys' recent full-length release "The Animals Will Forgive Us Again" and co-produced "Loose Mouth".  He is a character that you never forget.  He was recently celebrated in the Jan 3, 2014  Village Voice and since we are still talking about how much we enjoyed having him as one of our first WDEK guests, we wanted to share some of the highlights from his visit to the WDEK Studio in Sept. 2012. In case you missed it or want to hear it again - enjoy!  Some of the language is offensive, so turn down while listening.  Sorry mom.