We Don't Even Know - Ep. 34: Eugene Mirman, Mima McMillan and Mike Denny - July 21, 2015

Happy Heatwave everyone! New York City is so adorable in the summer time.

Our first guest in comedian Eugene Mirman. Old friends, Shonali and Eugene, share their road stories from their rock n' roll comedy tour a decade ago. Eugene explains how a polka dotted scarf and moustache can cause trouble. Check out Eugene's new Netflix Special.

Our second guest is artist Karmimadeebora "Mima" McMillan. Mima is a Taurus like Shonali. She recently moved to NYC from NC via Boston. Mima's personality is just like her art, colorful, exuberant and bright! We talk Punky Brewster and the Black Panther coloring book. Mima is currently street artist Swoon's business manager. You can check out Mima's art which is currently on display at Fringe Salon.

Our final guest is comedian Mike Denny. Mike just got off of Tinder because it didn't feel right. Christian asks about Mike's tattoo. Mike spent his high school years exclusively on a skateboard. Christian knows a little skateboard lingo and that's about it. Do you know the 5 P's. Mike does. Mike hosts a the Monday night hit comedy show Broken Comedy, at Bar Matchless along with perfect attendance Nimesh Patel (former WDEK guest) and Michael Che. See you there!