Episode 14 - Nimesh Patel - April 21, 2013

Our hearts go out to the city of Boston and all those affected by the awful attack they endured last week. Due to the high pollen count in NYC, Shonali's asthma has been flaring up and Christian is of no help. Christian's barber knows foreign policy. Little things can get under your skin, like babysitting the babysitter or an entitled toddler in Prospect Park.

Our WDEK Episode 14 special guest is Nimesh Patel who comes straight out of Jersey. He is Indian, but grew up in Jersey, lives in NYC and is a comedy finance guy. Yup, very unique. He promised us on Friday he would be hung over on Sunday morning, and he accomplished his goal although we couldn't really tell. He was as fiesty and belligerent as he usually is. Ep. 11 guest Marcellus Hall turned Shonali on to Nimesh's comedy. Nimesh advises Shonali to use Vicks for her asthma and informs us on a number of Indian cure alls. Nimesh killed it at his office holiday party and gained mad respect. Ladies, Nimesh is on Tinder (the Grinder for straight people) if you need some tenderness. Ever heard of the "We Just Got of Jail" comedy show? Nimesh hosts a Monday night show in Williamsburg, at Bar Matchless called Broken Comedy. He wants you to come to his show on April 29th. He's hosting a special pilot taping of Minority Report. Our new music, comes from the amazing, Shannon Wright. She has a new release titled In Film Sound coming out next month. This is the first song, Noise Parade. She is currently on tour in Europe and will be in the US next month.

Episode 14: Nimesh Patel - April 21, 2013

1224 We Don't Even Know 014 Christian Felix Nimesh Patel Shonali Bhowmik.jpg