Things That Go into the Creative Process That No One Tells You About

The most important and easiest step is that you need time to consume art. Ira Glass, an idol of mine who is the host of This American Life once defined people who create need to first and foremost have good taste. I completely agree.

The thing that separates regular people from creatives is they can define a good and a bad work. Each creator defines it differently. But in order to define your taste you need to make time to take in other people’s content. You need time to consume what inspires you? Is it a storytelling radio show? Is it Andrea Arnold’s decision of handheld cinematographic style? Or Charles Burnett’s casualism? Carolina Arévalo’s capability to assemble dots to look like the universe and the act of conception at the same time? Or is it just a sunset?

No matter what it is you need to consume and learn to notice details and differences in what makes something inspire you and what doesn’t. This way you can know why your creations are in your definition “good” or “bad.”

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How Wearing Many Hats Led Me to the Director’s Chair

By Cat Tassini

Photo by Albany Capture on Unsplash

“If you can think of literally anything else to do with your life, go do that.” This was the mantra that I heard many times during my first year of acting training. “You have to be obsessed with your character,” was another slogan, this time from my contemporary scene study teacher. As a nervous freshman in college, I took these words literally. Growing up, I had been enthusiastic about visual art, dance, theater, filmmaking, writing, music, and sports, but now I turned with laser-like focus to acting. Any time another desire entered my head, I felt agonizingly conflicted. I had auditioned and secured my place in the second most competitive undergraduate theater program in the country. Was I going to blow this opportunity by being unfocused and undisciplined? I was determined to give it my best shot. But I couldn’t keep all of my doubts — or passions — from creeping in.

I stuck it out for the two consecutive years at a professional acting studio required to graduate. However, once I had that under my belt I looked into other opportunities for learning. I ended up interning at a multidisciplinary art space in Brooklyn for credit. That was my introduction to the North Brooklyn DIY music and art scene, which indelibly molded my artistic perspective. It’s where I truly came of age. It felt like I had wandered into a creative wonderland—inspired, intimidated, and elated that I finally found a place that felt right. I even put up my own theater piece there, composing it with my theater troupe, and doing the sound, costume, and set design myself. It felt like I had arrived. 

My time interning opened up my mind and I felt confident enough to keep exploring. By graduation, I had designed costumes for a short film, taken art direction and set design classes, studied directing and producing, interned for a special event production company, stage-managed a show, attained a minor in art history, studied abroad, and put up multiple original theater pieces. 

Photo by Isi Parente on Unsplash

Photo by Isi Parente on Unsplash

However, once the anticlimactic reality of postgraduate life set in, I looked back on my many experiences and wondered whether they actually added up to anything cohesive and meaningful. It didn’t help that I graduated into the 2010 job market. It was easy to feel like all the effort I’d put into my undergraduate education didn’t amount to much of anything in the real world. As I wandered through postcollegiate disorientation, hopping from city to city, and trying out different jobs in and out of the entertainment industry, I felt weighed down by nagging doubts. Would I ever be good enough at anything if I couldn’t concentrate on one thing? Would I ever be able to support myself without a “day job?” Would I ever be able to get a day job outside of the service industry? I felt restless, but I still felt guilty about it.

These doubts still haunt me, but less so than when I was a bit younger and greener. I now have the knowledge and perspective of someone who has written, directed, and edited a body of work, screened short films at festivals and racked up years of experience working in film, television, and event production. What I didn’t realize before is that it’s common to bounce from department to department or take time off from one career to pursue another.  It is also totally okay to take time off from filmmaking because you need to work a day job, care for a child or sick loved one, or take care of your own health. In a field as unstable and full of financial barriers as filmmaking, changes are inevitable. Managing your passion for your craft with real-world demands is a balancing act. As circumstances and priorities change, a career will inevitably go through any number of evolutions.

Multimedia is a constantly changing field, and one must make a conscious effort to keep up throughout one’s career. Along with that learning comes paying for classes, trading something you already know and are adept at, and learning on the job. If you’re trying to work your way up starting as a production assistant, it’s great to have multiple skillsets since you never know quite what you’ll end up doing. It is also valuable to have lots of skills in your back pocket to offer in exchange for someone else teaching you the skills you lack. A mentor of mine once described trading art direction work for an After Effects lesson. Finally, there is the practical reality that until you are locked into a union, if that’s the path you choose, it can be easier to get freelance work when there are more roles you can fill.

Photo by Julio Rionaldo on Unsplash

Now that I am directing my first feature, I can see how my varied experience has prepared me for this. It’s essential to be able to wear multiple hats in independent filmmaking. On a typical day, when working on my own work and freelance projects, I utilize some combination of the following: social media, graphic design, grant writing, crowdfunding, blogging, research, correspondence, scheduling, and video editing. These involve wildly different yet interconnected skill sets. On set, I’ve worked in the following departments: camera, sound, art, locations, wardrobe, makeup, transportation, and of course good ol’ fashioned general production assistance (PA). Having many tools in your toolbelt and a spirit of adventure makes you an asset to any production. 

If there’s one thing I could tell my younger filmmaker self, I would say: don’t be afraid of having multiple interests. Embrace it! And don’t worry so much. Pursue knowledge for the pure love of learning, don’t try to force yourself into something because of its perceived market value. Something that you’re not sure about now could end up being one of your greatest assets in the future. “Follow your bliss,” as Joseph Campbell would say, and try not to be too preoccupied with how it will all turn out. Life doesn’t follow a linear path and that’s okay. Real life isn’t compressed into two hours and doesn’t have to follow the audience’s expectations for continuity of logic. Real life is messy and strange and beautiful in its own way.

Follow Cat Tassini on Instagram @disco_nap_art and check out her website. Follow her current project, a feature-length documentary about Trish Keenan, the visionary creative force behind the English experimental band Broadcast, on Instagram @echos_answer, Facebook, and Youtube. 

If there are questions you want to be answered in a blog post, let us know at or visit our website. Also, we work with a large, diverse community of crew and artists working in most aspects of the filmmaking process and are always happy to help make connections. And we are always building our community! Send us your work for review or feedback.

Stop Sabotaging Your Creativity! (Part 2)

By Totemworlds

Whether you’re a writer, filmmaker, painter or music composer, the lessons in this article will help you become a better artist.

In the previous article we talked about creating art in a playful manner, keeping a regular creative habit, and seeing the value in being bored. Now we’re expanding into other mindsets that hold us back as artists, and prevent us from creating our best work.


Where you create is important

To create our best work, then we must create in a space that’s not only comfortable, but inviting. No matter how humble or impractical your space may be, it should feel like a sanctuary, a place that allows you to create with ease.

I want you to think about your creative space. Bring into your mind’s eye the place where you make your art. Is it indoors or outdoors? Is there a desk in front of you, or is it just your instrument? Do feelings of joy, peace, or excitement come up when you think of this space? How about your instrument? What kind of feelings arise when you think about it?

If feelings of anxiety or fear come up instead, something isn’t right. It’s normal to feel tension or resistance when you first sit down to create. But if these negative feelings linger, the space where you create may not be optimal. Try improving your space to make it more inviting: perhaps it’s a matter of making everything look neat and tidy, adding a few decorations or artifacts that inspire you; or perhaps the change must happen inward, by consciously working to improve our relationship with this space.


Above is where artist Xnuht records his music. He shares that even though his space is humble, it is also “full of magic.” And his work surely reflects that.

No matter where your working space happens to be, it is special. So always try to summon feelings of gratitude when you start working:

“I am grateful for having this space to create. This is an artist’s sanctuary.”

Say or think these words as you prepare yourself for a creative session. If you have an instrument then say your grateful for it as well. Practicing gratitude is a powerful technique that cleanses any form of negativity. This technique is especially helpful if you work at home.

An inviting working space will allow you to relax and…

Surrender to the process

Having an inviting working space is important, but so is our mental state as we create. In the previous article, I wrote about how we sabotage our creativity by focusing on the end product rather than the process. It’s good to strive for perfection so long as we don’t lose sight of what’s truly important.

Think about your latest work, and how it came to be…

When inspiration first struck you, it probably came as a set of powerful visions and/or feelings: abstract forms which you then gave shape to. Everyone’s experience is unique, but regardless of how it felt, this experience motivated you to put in the work.


And though the end product probably ended up looking (or sounding) different from its initial conception, the link to that experience remained. And what’s so great about your work is not the object itself, but the experience that propelled you to create it in the first place. Does that mean quality is not important? Of course it is, but artists tend to focus too much on the tiny details rather than the big picture (and the big picture is what your audience will first see).

The truth is, your audience will focus mostly on their own experience; they won’t be looking for the tiny mistakes you made, but their impression of your work as a whole. Therefore, you shouldn’t obsess over perfection but over that magical experience you felt when inspiration first struck you. Surrender to it. Let the process take center stage, let it change you as a person, and let the result of this transformation seep into your work…your audience will appreciate it.Your technique will improve in time, so don’t let it stop you from expressing yourself and those magical experiences that move and transform you.

“At its essence, art is an alchemical process. Alchemy is a process of transformation.” Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way.

End of Part 2

You can find the first part of this article HERE. Thanks for reading and be on the lookout for the third and final part of this series.

Follow Totemworld’s work on Youtube and Instagram.

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If there are other questions you want answered in a blog post, let us know at In addition, we work with a large, diverse community of crew and artists working in most aspects of the filmmaking process and are always happy to help make connections. And of course, we are always building our community! Send us your work for review or feedback.

Stop Sabotaging Your Creativity! (Part 1)

By Totemworlds

Feeling blocked, anxious, exhausted, lazy are all symptoms of a constricted creative flow. And like a clogged pipe that needs maintenance, we need to take care of our creative flow if we wish to create great art.

Perhaps you have amazing ideas already, but lack the support needed to realize them. Or maybe you have the time and resources, but you don’t feel inspired or procrastinate…a lot. Or maybe your process of making art stops being as enjoyable as before, and your doubts become numerous. If you find yourself in any of these situations, you may need to change the way you make art. Whether you’re a writer, filmmaker, painter, or composer, the lessons in this article will help you restore motivation and trust in yourself.


Get in the flow

Creativity is a primordial force that flows through all things. The flow is found everywhere in nature, in the movement of the planets, and inside each of us. I’m not trying to channel Master Yoda when I say that we are all one with the flow, but it’s true: to create is your birthright. So why do we often feel creatively blocked, uninspired, and/or anxious?

Remember the clogged pipe analogy? The truth is that we love to constrict the flow of our creativity. By focusing on the end product rather than the process, we often overflow our mental landscapes with insecurities and expectations.

Being out of the flow means you have trouble starting projects and not finishing them. Being out of the flow as a professional, where the stakes are even higher: it’s petrifying. Luckily there’s a solution: learning to create in an effortless, and playful manner.

Actually, it’s not learning but remembering how to create in said way. Back when we were children, though our technique was poor, our attitude was spot on. We treated work as play, and we made art in a pressure-free environment and in a peaceful state of mind. I’m asking you to choose that attitude as your default mode of working.


Start practicing by playing (and having fun) with your instrument or equipment in a pressure-free environment, let all expectations and self-criticism drop for a moment and get back into the flow. As Kenny Werner writes in his book, Effortless Mastery:

“Full-blown artistic creativity takes place when a trained and skilled grown-up is able to tap the source of clear, unbroken play-consciousness of the small child within. This consciousness has a particular feel and flow we instinctively recognize. It is “like tossing a ball on swift-flowing water: moment-to-moment nonstop flow.”

Practice bringing this playful and effortless attitude into your work and you’ll never feel uninspired again.

Keep up the momentum

To keep the juices flowing, practice doing something creative regularly, preferably daily. Don’t let this activity consume much of your time: it should feel spontaneous, simple, and quick. Anything goes as long as it requires you to be creative: keep a miniature journal, take a minute to snap a photo, find any object and interact with it as if it were the first time, etc.

The aim here is to bring more spontaneity into your life, which forces you to be more creative throughout your day. Doing them regularly helps you reinforce your playful attitude and build the momentum you need to take on larger projects.

See the value in being bored

To foster my creativity, I have tried psychedelics, long hikes, deep meditation, but to my surprise what worked best was doing nothing at all. Boredom is so underrated nowadays, but it’s been proven to spark, and I mean really spark, creativity and productivity. Don’t be confused. Being bored is not the same as relaxing, rather it’s intentionally removing all external input until your brain starts finding it uncomfortable. Don’t worry, it’s healthy for your brain!

Spend 10 minutes doing nothing (no phone, no music, no journaling, no meditation, do nothing at all) and expect some ideas to appear. Dare to do it for a whole day (a dopamine fast) and you’ll be even more surprised. The lack of input will force your brain to explode with a rush of ideas and solutions. These ideas and solutions were hidden before because you were too distracted, and good ole’ boredom brought them into the light.

Get bored. Stare at your floor! (Photo by jaqui from FreeImages.)

Get bored. Stare at your floor! (Photo by jaqui from FreeImages.)

So try giving your mind a break from all external input whenever you get the chance: be bored during your daily commute, while you wait for the doctor’s appointment, while you wait for your food to arrive at a restaurant. Fight the itch to become distracted, let your mind wander, and you’ll be rewarded with ideas!

End of Part I

The next time you feel blocked or anxious, get back into the flow by surrendering your expectations, keep a regular creative habit to build momentum for large projects, and don’t forget to see value in boredom.

Be on the look for Part 2 :).

Follow Totemworld’s work on Youtube and Facebook.

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If there are other questions you want answered in a blog post, let us know at In addition, we work with a large, diverse community of crew and artists working in most aspects of the filmmaking process and are always happy to help make connections. And of course, we are always building our community! Send us your work for review or feedback.